opencrvs / opencrvs-core

A global solution to civil registration
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Make informant signature conditional based on supporting documentation #6821

Open euanmillar opened 2 months ago

euanmillar commented 2 months ago

Death registration form change

Zangetsu101 commented 1 month ago

I'm moving this to backlog as this requires tech design

Zangetsu101 commented 1 month ago
jpye-finch commented 1 month ago

In reply to bullet 1: Having the signatures as form fields has been discussed. But they are best located on the review page. So conditionality between the form and review page is being asked for here

bullet 2: Good question. Think best to only allow signatures. Don't see a use case for allowing other form field inputs.

rikukissa commented 1 month ago

Some initial exploration work done in ocrvs-6821.


Next phase

Implement image upload to Minio for custom fields
