opencrvs / opencrvs-core

A global solution to civil registration
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Export/Printable view of any work-queue #6948

Open euanmillar opened 2 months ago

euanmillar commented 2 months ago


Often countries want to print a list of all the records in a workqueue. To support existing paper processes.

To give flexibility to different country requirements. The user can export to csv. and then print the output form a local program such as excel. Similar to Vital Statistics Export

Countries can also specify what to include in the export. As the workqueue row has limited information about the record.

Note. the user would require internet to generate the csv. Note. this csv will contain PII - very similar to Vital Statistics Export

This ticket is to:


Workqueue (TopActionButtons) Use Button component - icon variant Image

Search results/ Save query Image


GIVEN I am on a workqueue WHEN i have the scope to export-workqueues-searchresults THEN I can see the option Export in the workqueue menu

GIVEN I am on an advanced search result WHEN i have the scope to export-workqueues-searchresults THEN I can see the option Export in the advanced search results menu

Tech tasks

euanmillar commented 1 month ago

Associated with #6958. Can we leverage the advanced search bookmarking?