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In Correction Summary page, 'Make Correction' button incorrectly enabled and 'Correct record?' modal missing. #7225

Open tiri39 opened 5 days ago

tiri39 commented 5 days ago

Bug description: 'Make correction' button stays enabled (with no option chosen) if we choose an option from 'Fees required?' and go to previous page and then navigate back to the Correction Summary page.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Login as Local Registrar.
  2. Download a record and click on 'Correct Record' from the record audit page.
  3. Select any option in the "correction requester' page and navigate to the Record Review page.
  4. Change any information and click 'Continue'
  5. Navigate to the Correction Summary page by selecting any option in the 'Upload supporting documents' and 'Reason for correction' page.
  6. In the correction summary page, scroll down to 'Fees required?' and select 'No'. Observe that the 'Make correction' button is enabled.
  7. Navigate back to the 'Reason for correction' page by clicking back button.
  8. Navigate to the Correction Summary page again.
  9. Observe the 'Fees required?' options and the 'Make Correction' button.

Actual result: No option in 'Fees required?' is selected and the 'Make correction' button is enabled. 'Make correction' button doesn't open any 'Correct Record?' modal when clicked.

Expected result: -> The 'Make correction' button should be disabled. -> When clicked, 'Make Correction' button should open a 'Correct record?' modal.


Tested on:

Version: V1.5.0

jamil314 commented 4 days ago

Wouldn't it be better to preserve the previously selected option rather than disabling the button? @tiri39 @SyedaAfrida