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fix: advanced search refetch queries not matching the searched ones #7296

Closed naftis closed 5 hours ago

naftis commented 1 day ago


I noticed the refetch queries were a bit random compared to the ones actually being searched. I updated them to match each other. After this deployment, I couldn't reproduce the unassignment issue on development.

As I couldn't reproduce this locally, but only on farajaland-dev, I think it could be worth deploying this to QA and trying it.

naftis commented 1 day ago

This seems to not have fixed the issue yet. I can see the refetch query not firing sometimes after the

mutation submitMutation($id: String!) {\n  markEventAsUnassigned(id: $id)\n}\n

is called. When the assignment is properly updated, the searchEvents is always fired.

naftis commented 1 day ago

After the latest commit 6a1a4b8, cannot reproduce this anymore on farajaland-dev.