We want to move away from the paradigm of countries needing to pull the code changes to get updates and instead allow them to use an "OpenCRVS" framework.
Dev tasks
[ ] Create a new package in core repo called @opencrvs/toolkit
[ ] Create a index.ts file inside of it with just one function export function noop() {}
[ ] Use yarn link to link this to your local country config. Verify you can call the function from country config.
[ ] Add a new pipeline "Publish library to npm" to core repository. Use same triggers and version name resolution as docker image push pipeline does
We want to move away from the paradigm of countries needing to pull the code changes to get updates and instead allow them to use an "OpenCRVS" framework.
Dev tasks
export function noop() {}
yarn link
to link this to your local country config. Verify you can call the function from country config.