All services need to specify the machine ip and port to start, and there are some other configuration items that allow users to configure, so these configuration items also need to read the user's configuration before starting the service and then start the corresponding service.
CRD config file may look like this:
# Port for listening to partner communication.
# Etcd member accept incoming requests from its peers on a specific scheme://IP:port combination and the IP is host ip because we use hostnetwork:true.
peerPort: 23800
# clientPort for listening server port.
clientPort: 23790
port: 6700
dummyPort: 7700
All services need to specify the machine ip and port to start, and there are some other configuration items that allow users to configure, so these configuration items also need to read the user's configuration before starting the service and then start the corresponding service.
CRD config file may look like this: