Automated CI toolchain to produce precompiled opencv-python, opencv-python-headless, opencv-contrib-python and opencv-contrib-python-headless packages.
I wanna convert a facial expressions dataset into a HDF5 file and I don't know how exactly to do it.
from here I know how to do it with a cat-vs-dog dataset but I wanna know how it's done in general.
(My purpose of all these is to speed up my CNN model training process in google colaboratory and I tried this by mounting google drive and consequently reading my dataset from google drive but it was too slow to train my model (even slower than my pc !) ).
Hi guys
I wanna convert a facial expressions dataset into a HDF5 file and I don't know how exactly to do it.
from here I know how to do it with a cat-vs-dog dataset but I wanna know how it's done in general.
(My purpose of all these is to speed up my CNN model training process in google colaboratory and I tried this by mounting google drive and consequently reading my dataset from google drive but it was too slow to train my model (even slower than my pc !) ).