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Opencv official nodejs binding #23352

Open piercus opened 1 year ago

piercus commented 1 year ago

Descripe the feature and motivation

This issue is following a 2 years long conversation we are having with @UrielCh on the opencv slack (you can find us in the #opencv4nodejs channel)

A Nodejs binding for Opencv

The goal of this feature request is to get a Nodejs binding for opencv, auto-generated from C-Headers the same way Python, Java, Obj-C binding are autogenerated from C Headers

This will include :

And it should generate :


Vocabulary :

C-Python binding : the C code that create the Python module C-Nodejs binding : the C code that create the Nodejs module Generator-Python : Existing Python code that generate C-Python binding code from opencv C headers Generator-Nodejs : Python code to be written that generate C-Nodejs binding code from opencv C headers

Status is the following :

Step 0 : set up environment

Step 1: Make a Generator-Nodejs v1

Step 2: Discuss Generator-Nodejs design

Step 4 : integrate it back to opencv

Additional context


Opencv4nodejs is a native nodejs binding for nodejs made by @justadudewhohacks few years ago.

The original repo is not maintained since 2019, since 2021 we are trying to redirect the community to UrielCh's fork

Opencv4nodejs is widely used, but it has following problems :

Main author has been lost

The author @justadudewhohacks has been lost by the community, leaving me and @UrielCh as mainmteners working on @UrielCh's fork, this create a lot of issues for the community state of npm package, Repo Searchability,

It is not covering the whole lib

The coverage of opencv4nodejs is quite good, (it can be seen in the doc )

But there is still no plan to provide a 100% full coverage because the C++ bindings is not generated from Python (as it is the case for official Python, Java and Obj-C bindings)

This non-generated situation creates other problems like :

Compilation is non-optimal

Most of the people raising issues on opencv4nodejs are complaining about the unability to compile the project.

This compilation problems are related to both organisational and technical situation.

Technical situation :

Organisational situation, most of the people involved in the opencv4nodejs community are nodejs's people, typescript's devs, to put it simply, we don't like compiling things, CMake ...


I'm less expert on Opencv.js, so i will let others give their feedbacks.

Opencv.js is made for the browser, this is not a binding to OpenCv but more a browser compatible generated code

I feel this is totally different for the following reasons :

Abhijrathod commented 1 year ago

The feature being requested is the creation of a Node.js binding for OpenCV, which will be auto-generated from C-Headers. This is similar to how Python, Java, and Obj-C bindings are auto-generated from C-Headers. The goal is to have conventions in place to transform C functions/names/parameters/Class into Node.js, python generation code from C headers, C++ macros similar to opencv4nodejs's ones, the ability to integrate it as a C++ module included into the OpenCV compilation process, unit tests inspired by opencv4nodejs's unit tests, and the ability to generate C++ headers, TypeScript typing information, Node.js OpenCV Documentation, and an npm packagable project.

The first step involves generating code for a minimal perimeter binding, including imread/imwrite perimeter, autogenerated code, and unit tests. This will not be integrated into the OpenCV compilation code. The second step involves integrating the build into the OpenCV build process, checking how the compilation can be made together with the OpenCV compilation, and checking how packaging of the npm package can be done. The third step involves scaling the perimeter, adding some unit tests, and scaling the modules.

The motivation behind this feature request is that the current native Node.js binding for OpenCV (opencv4nodejs) has problems such as the main author being lost, not covering the whole library, and having non-optimal compilation. Additionally, most people involved in the OpenCV4NodeJS community are Node.js and TypeScript developers who dislike compiling things like CMake. The proposed Node.js binding will address these issues and will be auto-generated from C-Headers, providing full coverage of the OpenCV library and allowing for pre-built retro-compatible binaries.

piercus commented 1 year ago

@Abhijrathod are you interested to help ?

vpisarev commented 1 year ago

@piercus, @Abhijrathod, thank you, this is a great effort. Given how popular nodejs nowadays, it could definitely make many developers happy. By the way, we are participating, again, in GSoC 2023. The proposals shall be submitted between March 20th and April 4th. If you have some good students (actually, recent Google rules say it does not have to be real students) who can advance this project, and if we are given sufficient number of slots, and if you can also find some mentor (we can try as well, but nodejs is not among our areas of expertise) - with all those "if's" satisfied we can have a great project. What do you think?

piercus commented 1 year ago

@vpisarev GSoc was a good idea, but i feel we missed the deadline.

we have already started working on this with @UrielCh on

I have updated the initial post, with our current progress and milestones.