opencv / opencv

Open Source Computer Vision Library
Apache License 2.0
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The rectified image with the pinhole model 8 parameters will have curved boundary #25552

Closed yunlongwang-leopard closed 2 weeks ago

yunlongwang-leopard commented 3 weeks ago

System Information

OpenCV version: Operating System / Platform: windows10 Python version: 3.10.13

Detailed description

we use the pinhole model 8 parameters to do calibration. When calibrated with 8 parameters, the corrected graph will have a boundary,if we use 5 parameters, it has no boundary. some calibration file will have such case with 8 parameters while others will not.

Steps to reproduce


Issue submission checklist

yunlongwang-leopard commented 2 weeks ago

why is it closed? @asmorkalov can you explain it?

asmorkalov commented 2 weeks ago

It's not clear how the intrinsics were calibrated. The undistorting result depends on it