Open hoonkai opened 6 years ago
@alalek How come this is invalid? The steps I described are essentially those outlined here, which is a tutorial for contrib modules.
Hi @mshabunin Can I ask if the conversion script is supposed to work on the "stock" .mat
model as well? That is, the model generated without removing lines 26–41 in edgesChns.m
@alalek I use mexopencv3.4.0 and train the model using the following code. the trained model works fine within Matlab, but after converting to .yaml, detection fails. I believe the training process might be different between matlab and opencv. Looking forward to your reply。
function [chnsReg,chnsSim] = edgesChns( I, opts )
% Compute features for structured edge detection.
% For an introductory tutorial please see edgesDemo.m.
% [chnsReg,chnsSim] = edgesChns( I, opts )
% I - [h x w x 3] color input image
% opts - structured edge model options
% chnsReg - [h x w x nChannel] regular output channels
% chnsSim - [h x w x nChannel] self-similarity output channels
% See also edgesDemo, edgesTrain, edgesDetect, gradientMag
% Structured Edge Detection Toolbox Version 3.01
% Code written by Piotr Dollar, 2014.
% Licensed under the MSR-LA Full Rights License [see license.txt]
shrink=opts.shrink; nTypes=1; chns=cell(1,opts.nChns); k=0;
% if(size(I,3)>3), nTypes=2; Is={I(:,:,1:3),I(:,:,4:end)}; end
% for t=1:nTypes
% if(nTypes>1), I=Is{t}; end
% if(size(I,3)==1), cs='gray'; else cs='luv'; end; I=rgbConvert(I,cs);
% Ishrink=imResample(I,1/shrink); k=k+1; chns{k}=Ishrink;
% for i = 1:2, s=2^(i-1);
% if(s==shrink), I1=Ishrink; else I1=imResample(I,1/s); end
% I1 = convTri( I1, opts.grdSmooth );
% [M,O] = gradientMag( I1, 0, opts.normRad, .01 );
% H = gradientHist( M, O, max(1,shrink/s), opts.nOrients, 0 );
% k=k+1; chns{k}=imResample(M,s/shrink);
% k=k+1; chns{k}=imResample(H,max(1,s/shrink));
% end
% end
% chns=cat(3,chns{1:k}); assert(size(chns,3)==opts.nChns);
chnSm=opts.chnSmooth/shrink; if(chnSm>1), chnSm=round(chnSm); end
simSm=opts.simSmooth/shrink; if(simSm>1), simSm=round(simSm); end
chnsReg=convTri(chns,chnSm); chnsSim=convTri(chns,simSm);
@gds101054108 Did you have a change to check the patch #1579 ?
@alalek , after check the patch #1579,change the param sharpen to 0 and retrain the model, it works now.
System information (version)
Detailed description
I'm unable to detect edges using structured forest training's original BSDS model ( When I try loading the model and running edge detection, I get this:
for the input image:
works fine within Matlab, but after converting to.yaml
, detection fails. I believe something might be wrong with the mat-to-yaml conversion script.Steps to reproduce
(Based on
modelConvert(model, "model.yml")
in Matlab