opencypher / cypher-for-gremlin

Cypher for Gremlin adds Cypher support to any Gremlin graph database.
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Unable to filter out paths containing self edges using a cypher Match query. #310

Open pushkarnagpal opened 5 years ago

pushkarnagpal commented 5 years ago

Trying the following query to get a path using a match query to filter out paths that contain self edges (node with edges to itself to avoid increased length of path:

match p = (base:party{node_id:'245793137123'})<-[trail:ownership*..]-(leaves:party) where none( rel in relationships(p) where startNode(rel) = endNode(rel) ) return count(p)

But this query is unable to filter out the data and I get the entire set.

dwitry commented 5 years ago

Hello @pushkarnagpal,

Are you sure you've provided a valid Cypher query?

It does not compile in Cypher for Gremlin and Neo4j gives error about multiple WHERE cases.


pushkarnagpal commented 5 years ago

Hello @pushkarnagpal,

Are you sure you've provided a valid Cypher query?

It does not compile in Cypher for Gremlin and Neo4j gives error about multiple WHERE cases.


Hi @dwitry I've updated the query now. (had accidentally written not instead of none in the query.

match p = (base:party{node_id:'245793137123'})<-[trail:ownership*..]-(leaves:party) where none( rel in relationships(p) where startNode(rel) = endNode(rel) ) return count(p)

Please look into the issue now. Thanks!

dwitry commented 5 years ago

Variable length path in loops is a complex case, which is tricky to implement in Gremlin to fully cover all the edge cases. I've invested a lot of time trying to properly implement it (1, 2) but the solution still not universal. Unfortunately can not provide any estimates when this will be improved.

pushkarnagpal commented 5 years ago

Variable length path in loops is a complex case, which is tricky to implement in Gremlin to fully cover all the edge cases. I've invested a lot of time trying to properly implement it (1, 2) but the solution still not universal. Unfortunately can not provide any estimates when this will be improved.

Ahh okay. I was working on a fraud detection case.and got stuck here. I saw this query conversion from the cypher in the gremlin-server.log file, and I see a .neq(' cypher.null') in the query and i assume this step is occuring at the none where clause. I think this is the root cause of the bug.

    .hasLabel('party').has('node_id', eq('245793137123'))
                .aggregate('  cypher.path.edge.p')
            .not(__.V().hasLabel('party').outE('ownership').inV().as('  GENERATED4').where('  GENERATED4').where(eq('leaves'))))
        .select(all, 'trail').as('trail')
    .is(neq('  cypher.null'))

Hope I could help somehow with this. Thanks!

dwitry commented 5 years ago

.neq(' cypher.null') is guard to handle cypher.null which represents null in Cypher for Gremlin.

We may call "root cause" the following snippet:

            .aggregate('  cypher.path.edge.p')

This is how variable length path <-[trail:ownership*..]- is translated. Basically, it is an imperative way to traverse relationships (21 is limit to avoid infinite loops). If there is a loop, the path will be traversed repeatedly (what happens in the query you've provided).

So we need to find a better implementation of this in Gremlin, but as I've said in the previous message this is a rather complicated task, as there are other edge cases that need to be considered, as well as performance.