This follwoing cypher translates as shown and does not create a vertex:
create (n:bob {name:'awesome'}) return n
g.addV('bob').as('n').property(single, 'name', 'awesome').select('n').project('n').by(__.valueMap(true))
and this DOES create the vertex.
However, the following does not create a vertex:
create (n:bob {name:'awesome'})
translates to
g.addV('bob').property(single, 'name', 'awesome').barrier().limit(0)
thank you for reporting this. This is related to latest changes in Cosmos DB. We will need to find better translation for Cypher queries that return no results in Cosmos DB.
This follwoing cypher translates as shown and does not create a vertex:
create (n:bob {name:'awesome'}) return n
becomesg.addV('bob').as('n').property(single, 'name', 'awesome').select('n').project('n').by(__.valueMap(true))
and this DOES create the vertex.However, the following does not create a vertex:
create (n:bob {name:'awesome'})
translates tog.addV('bob').property(single, 'name', 'awesome').barrier().limit(0)