opendata-swiss / dcat_ap_ch

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dct:license should be changed to mandatory and used with a custom vocabulary #109

Open sabinem opened 3 years ago

sabinem commented 3 years ago

Property: dct:license Class: dcat:Distribution Conformance Problem: Currently in DCAT-AP CH dct:license is optional on dcat:Distribtuion. This does not conform to DCAT-AP where it is recommend. Details:

  1. In DCAT-AP "recommended" means "a sender SHOULD provide the information for that property if it is available" (DCAT-AP Version2.0.0, Section 2 "Terminology used in the DCAT Application Profile", see
  2. Also for datausers the data is not of value without usage conditions. And dct:rights cannot replace dct:license but just complement it, see

Proposal: There are two proposals:

Juan-Juan-1 commented 2 years ago

The part concerning the controlled vocabulary will be deal with in a separated issue

l00mi commented 2 years ago

Our current state on dct:licence vs. dct:rights is the following, interpreting dcat2:


A legal document under which the resource is made available.

-> Should be the the legal text which does back the creation or publishing of a dataset. -> Potentially a link to the Legal text.


A statement that concerns all rights not addressed with dct:license or dct:accessRights, such as copyright statements.

-> is the license in regard of "copyright licence" as stated in the text.

Juan-Juan-1 commented 2 years ago

@l00mi Thank you! We mainly refer to DCAT-AP:

licence: This property refers to the licence under which the Distribution is made available. --> for the federal level it will link to the, since these should be understood as the official "translation" of the legal basis. Plus it's also more similar to what for instance and especially users expects to receive. For other levels it should be used to refer to "standard" licenses (for instance Creative Commons licences)

rights: This property refers to a statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution. --> this field can complement with more information on the legal framework related to data

l00mi commented 2 years ago

Okay, quickly reading the text from it seems its very ambiguous, and I fear here we are interpreting, through the intermediary DCAT-AP, the meaning exactly the wrong way around.

But I trust there are examples of other DCAT-AP catalogs implementing it already the way proposed above?

Anyway I think the more important part is to decide on, the property can be changed easily in any future. But to align different Texts to a Controlled Vocabulary will be difficult.

sabinem commented 2 years ago

@l00mi, thanks for your comments:

But I trust there are examples of other DCAT-AP catalogs implementing it already the way proposed

Since is an important and difficult topic, we were looking for role models regarding this. We decided to take the German implementation as a role model, see

l00mi commented 2 years ago

I see, so I rest my case on the base of the DCAT itself. Then we should make sure to add a clearer description then it was done on the EU level.

joergpietschmann-lu commented 3 weeks ago

The DCAT Standard will be used for which is expected to publish non-public datasets too. I expect many of these datasets wont be able to publish a license in advance. The license may depend on the dataset user, and may be subject to individual negotiations.