opendata-swiss / dcat_ap_ch

Examples for geocat and DCAT data-catalogs are given here
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dcat:Distributions Usage note should not encourage the usage of Distributions as Dataseries #112

Open sabinem opened 3 years ago

sabinem commented 3 years ago

Class: dcat:Distribution Conformance Problem:



Juan-Juan-1 commented 2 years ago

So I don't know about that discussion (is it really a discussion? Wasnt it just a proposal...?) but checking both v2 and v3 of DCAT I'm not sure I understand the same thing.

First of all I would use the official definition - the statement "should all have the same content and only vary in language format or resolution" doesn't come from there (right?) and I find it to simplistic and a bit confusing...

I find this sentence super super important: "Nevertheless, the question of whether different representations can be understood to be distributions of the same dataset, or distributions of different datasets, is application specific. Judgement about how to describe them is the responsibility of the provider, taking into account their understanding of the expectations of users, and practices in the relevant community." (

In general: is it really an issue which should be fixed..? Or should we just explain the concept better, but leave it to data publisher to decide?

AFoletti commented 2 years ago

I think we are on a difficult topic here. I for instance would personally try to avoid dataset proliferation (and thus NOT model different budget years as different datasets) because this makes in my opinion the data portal messier. But that's just a personal way of doing things.

My proposal is to explain, make examples and show best practices, but leave up to the data publisher how he manages the data.

Juan-Juan-1 commented 2 years ago

See also

sabinem commented 2 years ago

@AFoletti Please see the discussion on DCAT about this topic: w3c/dxwg#1429. Your concerns seem to be shared by a substantial part of the DCAT and DCAT-AP community.