opendata-swiss / dcat_ap_ch

Examples for geocat and DCAT data-catalogs are given here
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Add dcatap:applicableLegislation to DCAT-AP CH. And use it as a replacement for dct:relation to specify the legal basis (class dataset). #236

Open mispichtig opened 1 month ago

mispichtig commented 1 month ago


In DCAT-AP 3.0.0 they added the new property dcatap:applicableLegislation: With this property you can specify the legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset. On we currently use dct:relation to specify the legal basis (Rechtsgrundlage). It might be that dcatap:applicableLegislation would be the appropriate solution to refer to the legal basis of a dataset).

Name and/or affiliation of the author:

Michèle Spichtig, OGD Office

Portal, service or software product presented or affected


Clear and concise description of the problem or requirement

The property dcatap:applicableLegislation could be a suitable alternative to dct:relation to indicate the legal basis of a dataset in DCAT-AP CH. While dct:relation is generally used to describe a relationship to other resources, dcatap:applicableLegislation provides a more specific way to refer to the legislation that applies to the dataset. The property dcatap:applicableLegislation in DCAT-AP uses eli:legalResource as its range. eli:legalResource refers to the European Legislation Identifier (ELI) ontology model, which is used to uniquely identify and describe legal documents. As far as I can see, the documents on Fedlex are ELI compliant (

Proposed solution

add dcatap:applicableLegislation: to DCAT-AP CH

taniahumar commented 1 month ago

Side note: for geodata, we have in GM03 "che:legislationInformation" with che:legislationType, che:internalReference and che:title (title/date)

metaodi commented 1 month ago

There must be a usage note: If there is no identifier for the legal resource (i.e. a ELI identifier) then dct:relation should still be used to define a a legal basis as a string literal.