opendata-swiss / dcat_ap_ch

Examples for geocat and DCAT data-catalogs are given here
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dcat:byteSize is implemented incorrectly on #49

Open sabinem opened 3 years ago

sabinem commented 3 years ago

Property:dcat:byteSize Class:dcat:Distribution Implementation:as Intenger dcat:bytSize: 1234 Conformance to DCAT-AP-CH: dct:byteSize is demanded as rdfs:Literal typed as xsd:decimal in both DCAT-AP CH and DCAT-AP. So the example should be implemented as dcat:bytSize: "1234"^xsd:decimal Conformance to DCAT-AP: DCAT-AP-CH conforms to DCAT-AP in this regard Proposal: Change the implementation on

sabinem commented 2 years ago

I have raised a discussion about this on DCAT-AP about this issue: