As a (potential) Instance Admin who wants a new CKAN site I want to have a
simple web-based interface for requesting a new instance (and having instance
rapidly booted in response) so that I have a new CKAN site quickly and easily
* Simple form where you can fill in your details (e.g. Name, Org, Email, Password)
* Notified in response to submission and/or by email (soon after) that new
instance is ready and here is the url
* Go to that instance and go through any next steps (cf US#1.4)
a. Note US#1.4 could be less relevant if relevant info captured in form here and
used in booting the instance ...
* User experience should be excellent (as simple and easy to use as possibly but
no simpler!)
* Instance should be booted automatically (suggest using the library / scripts
produced re US 2.2)
a. Simpler option (less preferred) is email to Cloud Admin who takes some
action (see next US 3.2)