opendata / Open-Data-Census

A census of U.S. states' open data holdings.
MIT License
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Indicate that it's possible to scroll right on the home page #19

Open waldoj opened 8 years ago

waldoj commented 8 years ago

Grid Screenshot

Nobody would know that it is possible to scroll right and see another 4 datasets, unless their browser happens to be at a width that cuts off the text in the right column. Add a horizontal scroll bar.

waldoj commented 8 years ago

Oh, of course there's already a horizontal scroll bar—at the bottom, where a scroll bar belongs. Hmm.

waldoj commented 8 years ago

There's a jQuery plugin, but I'm having a hard time getting it integrated properly. This bit of gulpfile.js doesn't seem to be including the doubleScroll JS:

var bowerJs = gulp.src(lib.ext('js').files)

I speculate that this is the same problem that's causing #9.

waldoj commented 8 years ago


[13:10:24] bower invalid-meta doublescroll is missing "main" entry in bower.json
[13:10:24] bower invalid-meta doublescroll is missing "ignore" entry in bower.json
waldoj commented 8 years ago

Nah, that's not the problem. Those aren't errors, just informative messages, and they're about doublescroll's (nonexistent) bower.json, not about our own.

I note that doublescroll is being listed in bower list:

$ bower list
bower check-new     Checking for new versions of the project dependencies...
Open-Data-Census#0.9 /Users/waldo/Desktop/odc
├─┬ bootstrap#3.3.6 (latest is 4.0.0-alpha.2)
│ └── jquery#2.1.4 (latest is 3.0.0-alpha1+compat)
├── components-font-awesome#4.3.0 (latest is 4.5.0)
├── doublescroll#516002d4e5
├── handlebars#3.0.3 (latest is 4.0.5)
├── jquery#2.1.4 (latest is 3.0.0-alpha1+compat)
├── spin.js#2.3.2
├── tabletop#1.4.2
├── underscore#1.8.3
└── uri.js#1.15.2 (latest is 1.17.0)

So doublescroll is being included. We can see that in the logs:

[11:23:57] bower not-cached git://*
[11:23:57] bower resolve git://*
[11:23:57] bower checkout master
[11:23:57] bower invalid-meta doublescroll is missing "main" entry in bower.json
[11:23:57] bower invalid-meta doublescroll is missing "ignore" entry in bower.json
[11:23:57] bower resolved git://
[11:23:57] bower install doublescroll#516002d4e5

It's being saved in /bower_components/, too. So I'm thinking that this isn't Bower's bailiwick—it's a Gulp thing. (Bower only manages packages—it doesn't do anything with them.)

waldoj commented 8 years ago

Here's the problem, in gulpfile.js: lib.ext('js').files). It's returning this:

[ 'bower_components/tabletop/src/tabletop.js',
  'bower_components/spin.js/spin.js' ]

Notably, doublescroll is missing from this list, despite being present at bower_components/doublescroll/jquery.doubleScroll.js.

waldoj commented 8 years ago

Note that lib is bower-files.

The above list of files returned is in the same order in which they're found in bower.json, so I'm pretty sure that's bower-files' data source.