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[EN] Collect metadata of Armenian historical and cultural monuments from open data of the Ministry of Culture of Russia #23

Open k0shk opened 1 year ago

k0shk commented 1 year ago


The goal is to create a dataset containing the metadata of the Armenian monuments from open data of the Ministry of Culture of Russia.


The metadata and files are published at the website of of the Ministry of Culture of Russia ( It is necessary to find and filter records related to Armenia and collect the metadata of these documents.

Keyword examples: армянский, восточный, Армения, Закавказье, Ереван, Эривань, Александрополь, Ленинакан, Кировская, Карабах, Эрзерум, Курс, Елизаветполь, Нахичевань, Ахалкалаки, Сарьян, Айвазовский, Ханджян, Кочар, Хачатурян, Бабаджанян, Таривердиев, Суренянц, Абовян, хачкар, Налбандян, Лорис-Меликов, Лазаревы, Тифлис, Шуши, Шуша, Эчмиадзин, Баку, Арташат, Обрели, Геноцид, Минас, Анатолия, Кавказ, Урарту



A public GitHub repository should be created to store and publish the code and the data under one of the free and open licenses, such as Creative Commons or MIT.


It would be best if your code is reusable, that is can be launch again by anyone who might want to update the dataset at a later point. For the same reason, we encourage you to comment your code, supplement it with at least a very brief README description, and specify the requirements and dependencies necessary to use the code.


Prepared by

The Open Data Armenia team prepared this task