opendatacam / node-moving-things-tracker

javascript implementation of "tracker by detections" for realtime multiple object tracking (MOT)
MIT License
106 stars 26 forks source link

Put together a nice command line interface for the tracker #1

Closed tdurand closed 6 years ago

tdurand commented 6 years ago


tdurand commented 6 years ago

Example IOU Tracker to adapt :

./ -h
usage: [-h] -d DETECTION_PATH -o OUTPUT_PATH [-sl SIGMA_L]
               [-sh SIGMA_H] [-si SIGMA_IOU] [-tm T_MIN]

IOU Tracker demo script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DETECTION_PATH, --detection_path DETECTION_PATH
                        full path to CSV file containing the detections
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        output path to store the tracking results (MOT
                        challenge devkit compatible format)
  -sl SIGMA_L, --sigma_l SIGMA_L
                        low detection threshold
  -sh SIGMA_H, --sigma_h SIGMA_H
                        high detection threshold
  -si SIGMA_IOU, --sigma_iou SIGMA_IOU
                        intersection-over-union threshold
  -tm T_MIN, --t_min T_MIN
                        minimum track length