opendatacam / opendatacam-mobile

OpenDataCam mobile app for android
MIT License
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Benchmark / Testing : Beta test #3

Open tdurand opened 3 years ago

tdurand commented 3 years ago

Once the first alpha / beta is ready.. gather a list of testers and build list of devices "tested" with the FPS performance for each of them in a table.

I think Google play has some nice way to do this.. where I just push a new build of the app and it gets distributed to beta tester list which a form to fill with feedback.

tdurand commented 3 years ago

Ok ! Much more rough than expected, not ready to start a real beta yet, but you can at least try an alpha

Still on the old apk sharing, on the todo list to setup the proper google play beta environement

Open this link from your device:

150MB app ;-)

First start should ask for permission + take 20-30s to start node.js .. but then if you kill and re-open the app it should be instant

Many known bugs.. canvas bugs for counter, yolo boxes off when device orientation isn't righ + everything is a car + 80% confidence

no need to do a list, just see if it launches and how many fps you get ;-) , next week hopefully will be ready for real beta

b-g commented 3 years ago

Yay! Gave it a try:

Questions which came to my mind:

tdurand commented 3 years ago

No bboxes but a few glitches

What do you mean, it didn't detect anything ? No bounding boxes

How to edit the config.json on Android?

No possible without recompiling the app ;-) .. yeah I think it may be time to introduce a settings page in the UI.. also should be possible at some point to process pre-recorded video with Android / Hook to remote video streams

Right side menu: There should be no sticky footer


App Icon ...

yep, todo ;-)

tdurand commented 3 years ago

@b-g ! Happy πŸŽ„ !!

I have a gift right on time, the next alpha version, hopefully the last to share only with you, I'm setuping the broader beta testing system... but need first to make sure it works properly on your device.

Please remove first the old version.. as this one as the same version number etc etc..

No hurry to test it, I'm taking a few days off I'll be back on the 28th / 29th.

The main thing to test is to see this time you have some detections happening... the rest should be still be very buggy.. I added the app icon though (can't do circle..)

If the detections aren't happening, will need definitely to debug what is happening on your device... I rewrote a part of the Camera API hooking to YOLO, and should be more robust now.

b-g commented 3 years ago

Hi Tibo! Merry Christmas πŸŽ„! Still in Christmas mode. Hence will keep it short: it’s working now, the detections are showing up! Yay! + Very cool that you’ve managed to rewrite it. Glad that this is working and that we can stick wir MIT! All the best, B

b-g commented 3 years ago


tdurand commented 3 years ago

Great !! I didn't rewrite fully yet, but glad it works ! in touch this week with a new version !

tdurand commented 3 years ago

New version up:


Still the old way with the .apk link , as unfortunately the play store beta test isn't working yet.. I read it can last several days:

tdurand commented 3 years ago

Good news, now you should be able to download the beta directly on the play store:

We need to work out the screenshot / assets part of the play store and the description -

Also I created a mailing list for the broader beta test registration: , tomorrow I will do another round of fixes .. and on tuesday I will add the beta testers subscribed

Will setup a google form with the following questions, feel free to add / remove

b-g commented 3 years ago

Yay super!

I tweaked the questions a bit:

tdurand commented 3 years ago

Thanks ! Gonna share the beta with more internal tester tomorrow and link them the form / ask over email .. I collected some emails with the post on the github ( like 6-7 right now) .. will add some friends of mine too

I fixed plenty of small stuff today, UI should be much less prone to bugs and more easy to work with now ( button size, download file name etc etc... + also now collect location data) , 1.0.0-beta.4 is out !

b-g commented 3 years ago

Great! Now I'm just wondering how much feedback we want? I could either ask informally friends and family OR trying to create a bigger wave. My feeling with the later is, that we should wait until we are close to a proper release and see it more as a form of community engagement. OK?

tdurand commented 3 years ago

Yes, keep it "small" for now .. As also it is a "closed" beta, we need to add the emails of people to give them access to the beta.

Then let's try to create a bigger wave later on when feel more confident that the app is not crashing everywhere 😁 + add the in app purchase thing

b-g commented 3 years ago


tdurand commented 3 years ago

I invited people to the internal test group, in order to invite a few friends without asking them to register to the mailing list group, I've sent you an invite to access the google play account.

Once you accept it you should be able to:

b-g commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Works! Pinged my brothers and a few other peeps.

tdurand commented 3 years ago

cool, yes I got feedback from some friends and seems to work on different device, Sony , Samsung... so quite confident now that it won't be crashing everywhere