opendatacube / datacube-explorer

Web-based exploration of Open Data Cube collections
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URL Escaping Breaking Redirection Test #533

Closed omad closed 1 year ago

omad commented 1 year ago

The latest CI Test Run has failed with a broken test.

The breakage is a slight change in URL Escaping. It's probably either a small code change or a upstream library change.

     def test_legacy_redirects(stac_client: FlaskClient, url: str, redirect_to_url: str):
        resp: Response = stac_client.get(url, follow_redirects=False)
>       assert resp.location == redirect_to_url, (
            f"Expected {url} to be redirected to:\n"
            f"             {redirect_to_url}\n"
            f"  instead of {resp.location}"
E       AssertionError: Expected /collections/ls7_nbar_scene/items?datetime=2000-01-01/2000-01-01&bbox=-48.206,-14.195,-45.067,-12.272 to be redirected to:
E                      /stac/collections/ls7_nbar_scene/items?datetime=2000-01-01%2F2000-01-01&bbox=-48.206,-14.195,-45.067,-12.272
E           instead of /stac/collections/ls7_nbar_scene/items?datetime=2000-01-01/2000-01-01&bbox=-48.206,-14.195,-45.067,-12.272
E       assert '/stac/collec...5.067,-12.272' == '/stac/collec...5.067,-12.272'
E         Skipping 48 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show
E         - 2000-01-01%2F2000-01-01&bbox=-48.206,-14.195,-45.067,-12.272
E         ?           ^^^
E         + 2000-01-01/2000-01-01&bbox=-48.206,-14.195,-45.067,-12.272
E         ?           ^

integration_tests/ AssertionError