Tools should include an obvious way to ascertain their version.
$ s3-to-dc --version
Usage: s3-to-dc [OPTIONS] URI PRODUCT
Try 's3-to-dc --help' for help.
Error: No such option: --version
Observed on a dev k8s cluster using a pod running container image opendatacube/datacube-index:latest from an internal ECR registry. Judging from digest reported by k8s (9baa74025f93...) this matches 0.2.1 (pushed to dockerhub several months ago and still current).
Tools should include an obvious way to ascertain their version.
Observed on a dev k8s cluster using a pod running container image
from an internal ECR registry. Judging from digest reported by k8s (9baa74025f93...) this matches 0.2.1 (pushed to dockerhub several months ago and still current).