opendatacz / VVZ_extractor

VVZ extractor DPU for ODCleanStore2
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Why are there activity kinds and authority kinds (not from the code lists) shared between business entities? #6

Open jindrichmynarz opened 10 years ago

jindrichmynarz commented 10 years ago

Some activity kinds (objects of pc:activityKind) and authority kinds (objects of pc:authorityKind) that don't come from the respective code lists (activities, authority kinds are shared among different business entities. See the results this query:

PREFIX gr: <>
PREFIX pc: <>
PREFIX skos: <>

SELECT ?p ?o (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?countBusinessEntity)
  GRAPH <> {
    ?s a gr:BusinessEntity ;
      ?p ?o .
    ?o a skos:Concept .
GROUP BY ?p ?o

Does this indicate an error in generating the URIs of these activity kinds and authority kinds?

NB: the same issue arises for addresses linked via schema:address (see these query results) and contact points linked via schema:contact (see these query results).

jindrichmynarz commented 10 years ago

I think this emphasizes the importance of unique URIs (i.e. based on strong UUIDs), because even a combination of identifiers used to generate URIs may result in inadvertent smushing of distinct resources.