opendatadiscovery / odd-collectors

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Bump odd-collector-sdk dependencies. Migrate pydantic v1 -> v2 #61

Closed ValeriyWorld closed 4 months ago

ValeriyWorld commented 4 months ago

Tests invokes fine overall, but I got 1 strange warning, that does not look like warning actually for odd-collector-sdk codebase, as there are no "example" extra keys anywhere:

/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/odd-collector-sdk-3AXHpIVN-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pydantic/ PydanticDeprecatedSince20: Using extra keyword arguments on `Field` is deprecated and will be removed. Use `json_schema_extra` instead. (Extra keys: 'example'). Deprecated in Pydantic V2.0 to be removed in V3.0. See Pydantic V2 Migration Guide at