Open jssnull opened 4 years ago
I think we should update the code to wait for pod readiness before try to extract the information we can use labels for that for exemple o rdeployment reference. even we can use podname but if our deployment object have multiple replicas best to wait for all pods been runing. Something like
oc get pods -l app=hello -o 'jsonpath={..status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}') != "True"
@jssnull - can you try the same with ODS3 .. and see if that solves it?
When deploying an RShiny app in QA, the app gets deployed successfully in OpenShift by the creation of a ReplicationController of 1 replica and the Pod gets deployed successfully and it's up and running. However, the Jenkins pipeline is marked as failed. The reason for this is that there's a step where it tries to find the Pod that got created and it cannot find it. We have the suspicion that it could be related to a timing issue - when it tries to find the Pod, the Pod has not been created as such in the cluster.
This would be the error reported by jenkins:
We can see that the pod was successfully created, but wasn’t recognized in the last log:
We can see the final status of the pipeline graphically when it fails:
This issue happens when we try to deploy to qa and prod, If we try to launch the pipeline again it will work, but wouldn’t create a new pod. This issue could be produced by a timinig problem.
Maybe a sleep function could be added here to solve the issue:
In ODS 3.x there is a similar sleep function implemented, it could be helpful.