opendilab / InterFuser

[CoRL 2022] InterFuser: Safety-Enhanced Autonomous Driving Using Interpretable Sensor Fusion Transformer
Apache License 2.0
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about image input settings #49

Open EcustBoy opened 1 year ago

EcustBoy commented 1 year ago

Hi ~author, I wanna ask is the foucs view image input really useful for perception(e.g. traffic light detection)? have you done some ablation study about that? I'm curious about how much is the impact to light state perception if the focus view input is removed.

I'll thanks for your reply~

deepcs233 commented 1 year ago

Yes, we have conduct related ablation studies, please refer to Table 4 in our CoRL paper. It's useful for detecting traffic light and doesn't bring in any more extra flops or model weights.