opendilab / LMDrive

[CVPR 2024] LMDrive: Closed-Loop End-to-End Driving with Large Language Models
Apache License 2.0
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Agent couldn't be set up #54

Open Huren900 opened 1 month ago

Huren900 commented 1 month ago

The eval script run without any error, but it seems the agent didn't start. All test failed, and in result file, the status is "Failed - Agent couldn't be set up" or "Failed - Agent deviated from the route". { "index": 20, "infractions": { "collisions_layout": [], "collisions_pedestrian": [], "collisions_vehicle": [], "outside_route_lanes": [], "red_light": [], "route_dev": [ "Agent deviated from the route at (x=509.479, y=148.542, z=0.034)" ], "route_timeout": [], "stop_infraction": [], "vehicle_blocked": [] }, "meta": { "duration_game": 38.85000057891011, "duration_system": 256.71682024002075, "route_length": 266.88520984199675 }, "route_id": "RouteScenario_62", "scores": { "score_composed": 31.332182362910366, "score_penalty": 1.0, "score_route": 31.332182362910366 }, "status": "Failed - Agent deviated from the route" }
