com.opendxl.databus.consumer.Consumer.close() throws java.lang.Exception instead of com.opendxl.databus.exception.DatabusClientRuntimeExceptio when timeOut is reached #25
java.lang.Exception: Unexpected exception, expected but was
I tested this using a teh slim version and also when clonned the repository I checked using shadow plugin for making a fatJar.
Both build versions fails when closing consumer under timeOut conditions, for instance, this is an example than was written under our tests that it was working before upgrading to the latest version:
@Test(expected = DatabusClientRuntimeException.class)
public void makeConsumerTest() {
Properties databusProperties = new Properties();
databusProperties.setProperty("timeout", "3000");
java.lang.Exception: Unexpected exception, expected but was
I tested this using a teh slim version and also when clonned the repository I checked using shadow plugin for making a fatJar. Both build versions fails when closing consumer under timeOut conditions, for instance, this is an example than was written under our tests that it was working before upgrading to the latest version: