I had a node failure and I manually deleted the cspi for the failed pool before removing the pool from the cstor pool cluster spec. Now I'm unable to remove the failed pool from the cspc. When I edit the spec and remove the pool I get the following error:
$ kubectl -n openebs edit cspc cstor-pool-cluster
error: cstorpoolclusters.cstor.openebs.io "cstor-pool-cluster" could not be patched: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "admission-webhook.cstor.openebs.io": failed to call webhook: Post "https://openebs-cstor-admission-server.openebs.svc:443/validate?timeout=5s": EOF
Logs for the admission server show the runtime error in ValidateScaledown in cscp.go
I had a node failure and I manually deleted the cspi for the failed pool before removing the pool from the cstor pool cluster spec. Now I'm unable to remove the failed pool from the cspc. When I edit the spec and remove the pool I get the following error:
Logs for the admission server show the runtime error in ValidateScaledown in cscp.go
Error occurs here: https://github.com/openebs/cstor-operators/blob/25db0f4b41be4f4eb3c13e16e3a456e6439b94b4/pkg/webhook/cspc.go#L581
I found this guide with instructions similar to what I was doing except I manually deleted the cspi which seems to be the problem in the code above.
I need to remove this pool instance from my cluster and I'm stuck on what to do next. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.