openebs / monitoring

OpenEBS Monitoring add-on. A set of Grafana, Prometheus, and alert manager plugins.
Apache License 2.0
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impossible to deploy the chart in multiple namespaces #36

Open survivant opened 3 years ago

survivant commented 3 years ago

here my usecase :

I'm on premise (no-cloud access). I have a cluster that will be use for dev, qa, preprod...

I will deploy all my applications in different namespaces like dev,qa...

My application need to pass in dev before going to qa and qa before preprod..

so I'll have to deploy the monitoring stack in dev and qa and preprod.

example :

but it's not possible right now because so artifacts in prometheus-stack are using clusterrole.

I try to fix that by deactivate clusterrole and switch to role instead, but at the end, I obtain this error

PS C:\workspace\bidgroup\iep\cicd\dev\monitoring-stack> helm --kube-context cluster109 -n default install monitoring-stack .
Error: template: monitoring-stack/charts/monitoring-stack/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/rolebinding.yaml:2:22: executing "monitoring-stack/charts/monitoring-stack/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/rolebinding.yaml" at <$.Values.namespaces>: wrong type for value; expected string; got interface {}
PS C:\workspace\bidgroup\iep\cicd\dev\monitoring-stack>

so if I want to use roles in kube-metrics, I will have to force the names of the namespaces that I'll use. It won't work in my case, If I want to use gitops and CICD in my cluster.

Solutions could be :

root@test-pcl4014:~# helm install monitoring openebs-monitoring/openebs-monitoring
NAME: monitoring
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jul  6 07:25:56 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
OpenEBS monitoring has been installed.
Check its status by running:
$ kubectl get pods -n default -o wide

Use `kubectl get svc -n default` to list all the
services in the `default` namespace.

To access the dashboards, form the Grafana URL and open it in the browser
  export NODE_PORT=32515
  export NODE_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.nodeName}")
  export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get node $NODE_NAME -o jsonpath='{$.status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}')
  echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT
  NOTE: The above IP should be a public IP

For more information, visit our Slack at
root@test-pcl4014:~# helm install monitoring openebs-monitoring/openebs-monitoring -n dev
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: PodSecurityPolicy "monitoring-grafana" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "" must equal "dev": current value is "default"

here a little example of what I try

      namespaced: true
      pspEnabled: false
      pspUseAppArmor: false

      namespaced: true
      pspEnabled: false
      pspUseAppArmor: false

      namespaced: true
      pspEnabled: false
      pspUseAppArmor: false
        enabled: false

      useClusterRole: false
      enabled: false

      useClusterRole: false
      enabled: false
survivant commented 2 years ago

using Prometheus Operator make it almost impossible. If we want to install it in multiple namespaces, we need to disable rbac creation and create all the role/rolebinding manually (in templates) which is troublesome.