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Chart repo is no longer available #3718

Closed twz123 closed 1 month ago

twz123 commented 2 months ago


The chart repo is no longer available. Is that on purpose? This is breaking the OpenEBS integration in k0s. I see there's now, but that's only for new charts?

Expected Behavior

The (probably now legacy?) Chart repo remains available for legacy software.

Current Behavior gives a 404.

antonblr commented 2 months ago

Many users may have CD setup (Flux, Argo) with 3.10(+/-) version, that will start (and already started) failing with that Helm repo being archived.

Lewisjmp commented 2 months ago

Greetings @antonblr I am currently experiencing a problem deploying OpenEBS v.3.10.0 to a Kubernetes cluster version v1.26.15+rke2r1 using the official repo. Apparently this file has been deleted from the repo related to helm or a file needed to deploy openebs chart as the error is 404 not found. I have tried 2 methods to install (Fleet with Rancher CD, helm install )and 2 different versions (3.9.0 and 3.10.0) helm chart, but the error persists. I tried what you mention in the comment above and in our case we don't use ArgoCD for this depsliegue or Flux. When trying to do the helm repo add from one it throws 404 not found. Thanks :D

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antonblr commented 2 months ago

@Lewisjmp the 3.10 and older charts are archived. Please read this issue description.

For new installation use guide.

Abhinandan-Purkait commented 2 months ago

Hi everyone,

As per the prior communication regarding OpenEBS re-structuring, (refer this message), yesterday we migrated all OpenEBS legacy repositories to a CNCF GitHub openebs-archive organization. In addition to the repositories, the parent Helm charts for the OpenEBS v3.10 release and below, were also moved.

This seems to have caused issues to the existing installations, and users have voiced their concerns. We have decided to revert the legacy Helm chart repo back to it's earlier location to ensure things continue to run smoothly for a deprecation notice period of SIX months. Post this period (Oct 30), we will re-initiate the Helm repo transfer to the openebs-archive organization.

Hope these SIX months should suffice for users of legacy OpenEBS to plan their migration to the latest OpenEBS v4.x editions.

Please note that after completion of this period and the transfer, the legacy Helm charts will still continue to function only from the openebs-archive organization

orville-wright commented 1 month ago

since we reverted the chart repo back to it original location/repo and resolved this problem, this issue can now be closed.

avishnu commented 1 month ago

As stated above, the legacy helm charts repo will get archived after Oct 30, 2024. Request existing users to make a note of this and accordingly plan the transition to the latest OpenEBS helm repo

Ornias1993 commented 1 month ago

@avishnu Is there some place on the side of CNCF where the "sandbox rejoin" is tracked and/or open for comments?

edrob999 commented 1 month ago

Hi @Ornias1993. The best place to put your positive or negative feedback is #3701. This is our master tracking issue. We're working closely in partnership with CNCF. I'm happy to talk offline if you'd like to discuss anything prior to commenting

Ornias1993 commented 1 month ago

Hi @Ornias1993. The best place to put your positive or negative feedback is #3701. This is our master tracking issue. We're working closely in partnership with CNCF. I'm happy to talk offline if you'd like to discuss anything prior to commenting

Thanks for the link, I was hoping there was a actual open thread over at the CNCF.