Testing on our side and at FUN found some performance issues with Ralph under the kinds of load we currently direct to it (many small requests). FUN found an issue with bcrypt and authentication that seems to be taking the majority of the time, we should upgrade to the fixed version as soon as we can once it's released and tested: https://github.com/openfun/ralph/issues/320
Testing on our side and at FUN found some performance issues with Ralph under the kinds of load we currently direct to it (many small requests). FUN found an issue with bcrypt and authentication that seems to be taking the majority of the time, we should upgrade to the fixed version as soon as we can once it's released and tested: https://github.com/openfun/ralph/issues/320
Performance testing report from eduNEXT is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12i0sDilnGpn7gVh__8RhmR_e-Kj-d9WHqASUFMjCMvA/edit#heading=h.k53gszo5b2g3