openedx-vlead / vlabs-edx-bootstrap-theme

This repository is Open edX theme for Virtual Labs. Theme is applied on
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Minutes of the Meeting + Response : March 2017 with IITD #154

Open priya100raman opened 7 years ago

priya100raman commented 7 years ago
  1. Announcements should get a box design or as a marquee on the top of home page and it must be designed by IIIT Hyderabad

Marquee based announcements might not be user friendly with multiple announcements running on a scroll as user will need to wait and see the announcement he/she is interested in. Instead, it was decided that announcement will be part of the header menu . The content for this page could be contributed by institutes following the process described below. (1.a)

  1. a) A central login panel or a admin login for announcements to be provided to IIT Delhi.

  2. Go to Announcements page ( link to be provided) .

  3. Click on contribute to announcements ( login required)

  4. Fill the announcement content and submit.

  5. VLEAD will add the announcements as requested.

  6. Logo’s of the participating institutes would be in color format. Noted . Changes will be incorporated in the next release.

  7. A central login is needed for “Emails database via” and “Feedback database” as well. is a Google group and all postings made to it can be viewed by subscribing to the group. All users with accounts can subscribe to this group. is also a Google group and all postings/workshops requests made to it can be viewed by subscribing to the group. All accounts and can subscribe to this group. We request the National Outreach Coordinator to moderate this group and redirect the workshop requests accordingly to various participating institutes ( based on the institute to state mapping sheet ) as explained during the workshop. Institute Outreach Coordinators of the participating institutes are expected to acknowledge the mail and fill up relevant fields in the workshop request sheet ( date of the workshop /responded to columns).

Feedback Database : to be answered appropriately by Sripathi.

  1. Format of the feedback form need to be changed( More detailed. Specific with user experience To be answered by Ravi Shankar

  2. After logged in to account, hyper- linkage of homepage with VLABS logo is needed.

User after login can still get a list of all the labs (both discipline/domain wise and institute wise) using the menu on the header ( uniform across all pages).
Please note that a user cannot go back to the Virtual Labs Landing page after login as this is a standard flow of Open edX platform. Since Open edX platform is managing the user profile, user will always be redirected to their dashboard after login. This behavior is similar to all standard websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Gmail, where a logged in user is always taken to their profile dashboard. Being a feature of the Open edX platform, this behavior cannot be modified.

  1. On the top “About Us” statement number 3 needs to be refined. Noted. Content as given on will be used and changes will be incorporated in the next release.

  2. The “Syllabus Map” tab should be replaced by Syllabus Mapping. Noted. Changes will be incorporated in the next release.

  3. Tab named as Course should be replaced by Experiments. This will need some changes to the Open edX code and we will look into it. We will keep you updated on the progress.

  4. In “Contact Us” the mailing address is not correct. Noted. Changes will be incorporated in the next release.

  5. Links need to be updated Noted . YouTube link will be updated to point to link provided and changes will be incorporated in the next release.

  6. Word “Partners” should be replaced by “Participating Institutes”. Noted. Changes will be incorporated in the next release.

  7. “Labs developed by nodal centers” need to be in the list of participating institutes / it should be highlighted with a logo. Noted. Changes will be incorporated in the next release.