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Add backport github action/workflow to all repos #95

Open ghassanmas opened 1 year ago

ghassanmas commented 1 year ago

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Low (2 weeks)


We need a github action that would atuomate the process of creating a PR, I have tested this github action on my fork already.

My thinking is that this workflow would be added here with a spesfic name then it would be used on other repos as if it was imported openedx action/workflows. This is important because if in future we found somehting need to be changed about this workflow we wouldn't need to do X changes for X repos in openedx, and this tha pattern that currently exists for add-depre and label workflow.


Because we usually have many PRs to be backported to a release branch.

openedx-workflow-automation[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your report! @openedx/axim-oncall will triage within a business day. Simple requests usually take 2-3 business days to resolve; more complex requests could take longer.

feanil commented 1 year ago

@ghassanmas it sounds like you want to add a reusable workflow to openedx/.github, is the request here to make that change or to ask if it is okay to make that change, or something else?

kdmccormick commented 1 year ago

@feanil I have some context on this (I asked Ghassan to file the request) and I'm on call this week, so I don't mind taking this one on.

kdmccormick commented 1 year ago

@ghassanmas I have been thinking about this. It is useful to have actions available in every repo such as: backport, assign me, label: etc. However, it becomes burdensome to add, remove, and update all these actions when each action requires a separate:

Furthermore, it will become hard for developers to remember how to trigger these actions if some of them are triggered by comments (assign me:, label:) and some of them are triggered by labels (backport).

Here is my proposal.

Let me know what you think. If you like it, we can make this change, and backport: could be the first new command added to comment-listener.yml.

ghassanmas commented 1 year ago

Hey folks apologies for the late reply.

I think there are two distinct suggestions:

Resuable/Extensible worfklow

First we create an extendable workflow, which would need only to be used /refs in all repo once, and when we want to add new command, featuer...etc we only need to change from openedx/.github.

I indded agree with this, it would let us quickly create a new featuer/action.

Regarding using a comment instead of label

I think in theory, it wouldn't matter if a developer flag their intent that this PR needs to be backported to master, via comment or a label. there are few points to consider though:

  1. Would a developer comment on PR, while it's being reviewed or after already it's has been merged:
    1. If they comment while it's being in review, then I suppose the backport hook, would be triggerd once PR merged and would scan previous comments that follows spesfic pattern: i.e. packport branch-name and do the backport.
    2. If developer is expected to comment only after PR has been merged, then it's doesn't need scan comments, and instead would take a branch name as arugment and directly create backport PR.
    3. case 1.i can also cover case 1.ii because it could be that it doesn't matter when the comment is posted, i.e. the logic can be as follow:
      1. A new backport comment on a PR (This assume the backport workflow can be triggered either though merge event or/and a comment)
        1. If the PR is already merged then try to directly open backport PR using branch name
        2. If the PR is not merged yet, then do nothing at this point.
          1. When the PR gets merged, our workflow will try to scan PR comments that meets spesfic critiera and create backport.

Other concern:

kdmccormick commented 1 year ago

@ghassanmas , I did not realize that in your workflow, the label causes the backport to be created only after the PR merges. That seems very helpful-- honestly a better UX than my comment-trigger proposal --because it lets people add the backport ... label at any time, and not have to worry about remembering to backport later. It also has the added benefit that the backport action is already written. My bad for missing those details in your original proposal.

Given that, I think we should stick with your original label-trigger proposal. Let me know if you disagree.

In order to implement your proposal, you will need to:

(Regarding my comment-listener.yml suggestion: I still would like to do that some day, but I don't think it is relevant to your proposal any more.)

feanil commented 9 months ago

@kdmccormick given that this work can now be self-service by making PRs and getting reviews on other repos, do you still need this ticket to track the work? Should it be closed or have the github-request label removed?

brian-smith-tcril commented 9 months ago

It seems to me that this issue should be transferred to the .github repo. I'll let @kdmccormick make that call though.