openedx / axim-engineering

GitHub Issue repository for the Axim engineering team
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Discovery: Where should extensions & repos live? #52

Open sarina opened 2 years ago

sarina commented 2 years ago

We need to develop a standpoint on whether extensions/community-developed repos need to be in the openedx GitHub org or can be in the providers' orgs. What does it mean for an extension to be hosted in the Github org?

Some thoughts/color to this issue:

@ormsbee has written some thoughts on this issue previously:

My starting position is that something most go into the openedx org if its sudden removal would essentially break the system as a whole. Case in point, the events/filters work should be in the Open edX org, because edx-platform already references those things directly and emit them in a bunch of places. New XBlocks are things that can be put in providers' orgs (as they already are).

Providers can and should keep commit+merge rights to those projects, but Open edX / TCRIL should have the keys to the infrastructure/PyPI/doc site generation, so that if and when a given provider needs to suddenly step back from that work, we're not left scrambling.

I'm also thinking that we should set up a tiered system of repo support status, and be really up front about what's under active development vs. what's parked in maintenance-only mode vs. what's actively looking for maintainers.

jmakowski1123 commented 2 years ago

H2 - revisit after ownership and clean-up tasks complete

sarina commented 2 years ago

@jmakowski1123 I think this falls out of Core Product Offering - at least, it should be considered as part of that work.

fwiw we did pull in hooks & signals into the org. But we're not pulling in, say, Tutor.