openedx / openedx-app-ios

The mobile app for iOS for the Open EdX Platform.
Apache License 2.0
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fix: RTL localization for assets and strings #441

Open RawanMatar89 opened 1 month ago

RawanMatar89 commented 1 month ago


  1. changed "direction" attribute for "arrowRight16" image in "Core/Assets" from attribute inspector.
  2. localize "chevron.right" system image that used in: CourseButton HandoutsView CourseStructureView CourseVerticalView CourseDatesView DiscussionTopicsView ProfileSupportInfoView SettingsView using "flipsForRightToLeftLayoutDirection" method
  3. localize "CompletionStatus" enum string by adding localized var that returns a localized string.


Before After
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Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro Max - 2024-05-23 at 09 50 43 Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro Max - 2024-05-23 at 09 56 10
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Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro Max - 2024-05-23 at 09 52 25 Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro Max - 2024-05-23 at 09 56 18
openedx-webhooks commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the pull request, @RawanMatar89! Please note that it may take us up to several weeks or months to complete a review and merge your PR.

Feel free to add as much of the following information to the ticket as you can:

All technical communication about the code itself will be done via the GitHub pull request interface. As a reminder, our process documentation is here.

This is currently a draft pull request. When it is ready for our review and all tests are green, click "Ready for Review", or remove "WIP" from the title, as appropriate.

OmarIthawi commented 4 weeks ago

@RawanMatar89 please check the test failures

[Course] Compiling HandoutsView.swift
Error: value of type 'some View' has no member 'resizable'
[Course] Compiling DiscussionView.swift
[Course] Compiling Strings.swift
[Course] Compiling CalendarSyncProgressView.swift
[Course] Compiling DownloadsView.swift
[Course] Compiling DatesSuccessView.swift
[Course] Compiling CourseHeaderView.swift
[Course] Compiling CourseDatesView.swift
Error: static method 'buildExpression' requires that 'Spacer' conform to 'AccessibilityRotorContent'
Error: value of type 'some View' has no member 'resizable'
Error: cannot infer contextual base in reference to member 'iconOnly'
Warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 11.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.4.99. (in target 'SwiftLint' from project 'Pods')