openedx / openedx-k8s-harmony

A Prototype Helm Chart for deploying multiple Open edX instances (via Tutor) onto a cluster.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Variable Error #44

Closed jo316it closed 1 year ago

jo316it commented 1 year ago

Well, when I get in to the part where you have to put variables above:

export INSTANCE_ID=openedx-01
export TUTOR_ROOT=~/deployments/tutor-k8s/$INSTANCE_ID
tutor plugins enable k8s_harmony
tutor config save -i --set K8S_NAMESPACE=$INSTANCE_ID

This error occours:

Error: Missing configuration value: 'K8S_NAMESPACE' is undefined" But if ai tip echo “$K8S_NAMESPACE” this variable exists.

Someone just saw this error?

bradenmacdonald commented 1 year ago

But if ai tip echo “$K8S_NAMESPACE” this variable exists.

It sounds like you might have it set as an environment variable? But it's a tutor config variable.

I'm not sure why you're getting that error as the setting definitely exists. At the very least you can find the instance's config.yml file and change the setting manually.

Or perhaps you didn't set the $INSTANCE_ID environment variable correctly? In that case, running tutor config save -i --set K8S_NAMESPACE=$INSTANCE_ID would set the tutor K8S_NAMESPACE variable to an empty string, which could cause the error you are seeing. Type echo $INSTANCE_ID and make sure something is printed out.

jo316it commented 1 year ago

Hi Branden, thank you to asnwer. Grace to you I got it. I put the manualy the K8S_NAMESPACE on config.yml and now it's work fine!