[x] Verify Farhaan's ability to spend time on project
[x] Let Sarina know how many hours Farhaan has to work on it
[ ] Take a spin through the Intro course: does it work for you / is anything missing / does it serve as a good prerequisite to the Dev and Site Operator onboarding courses?
[x] Re-organize Onboarding document into structured sub-docs and folders #51
[x] Objectives for each module #52
[x] Write tickets for module content on our project tracker (here: https://github.com/orgs/openedx/projects/15 - we'll use this for engineering tasks and you're welcome to use it if it's helpful)
[x] Delegate some content to the eduNEXT team (and Farhaan, if available)
Before June 27 meeting:
[x] Verify Farhaan's ability to spend time on project
[x] Let Sarina know how many hours Farhaan has to work on it