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Review OpenSSF npm Best Practices #128

Closed jmbowman closed 1 year ago

jmbowman commented 1 year ago

On September 1st, the Open Source Security Foundation released a guide on how best to avoid security problems when using npm. We should review this and ticket any of its recommendations which make sense for Open edX and aren't already in place. Here are the announcement and the guide itself.

arbrandes commented 1 year ago

@ishahroz, do you have any recommendations based on the guide? Anything we should work on adopting, or are we good?

ishahroz commented 1 year ago

@arbrandes, you can find my observations according to what was proposed in the OpenSSF documentation.

TLDR: We are already on the good terms to parallel the most of the recommendations as posed by the mentioned documentation. Rest, you can read more in depth below.

CI configuration

Dependency management

This step offers following recommendations:


This step offers some recommendations like enabling 2FA for developers npm accounts, package signing and verification (done in default by npm), use proper auth tokens when publishing dependencies on the npm registry. I believe all these steps are already incorporated in the context of publisher accounts on npm.

Private packages

The idea is to stay safe from dependency confusion attacks (a malicious dependency with a name same as project dependencies’ is published on the public registries) by using scopes in package.json file. A "scope" is a @-prefixed name that goes at the start of a package name. For example, "@edx/edx-bootstrap" is a scoped package. By scoping packages on the public npm registry, we restrict them to be only published by the user or organization associated with it. Also, build will fail with error 404 if the dependent package is removed rather than silently falling back to fetch untrusted dependency from the public registries. It is already incorporated for the internal / organization dependencies by using proper scopes.

arbrandes commented 1 year ago

I've reviewed the guide and @ishahroz's comment above, and I'm in agreement: we're already following pretty much all of important bits (haven't seen the OpenSSF Scorecard Action in use elsewhere, either).

That's not to say our dependency vetting is perfect, but as mentioned above, there is already work in progress to improve this and replace packages that are no longer supported or not up-to-par.