I've worked at edX for about three years, and have been on the platform and Open edX teams that whole time. After only about 2-3 months on the job, I was thrown into the deep end and gave the "State of the Open edX Frontend" talk at the 2019 Open edX conference, which forced me to level up my understanding real quick.
I've worked on a number of micro-frontends (profile, account, ecommerce, payment, learning, course-authoring) and our frontend-platform and frontend-build libraries. Unfortunately I don't have too much experience with our legacy frontends, except what I've picked up here and there.
What do you think the group's highest priorities should be? i.e., what's important to you?
The extensibility of the micro-frontend platform and its suitability for Open edX instances is of great importance to me. If I had to assign a semantic version number to our MFE platform, I think I'd call it about v1.2. We're running it in production, we've added a feature or two, but it hasn't seen much investment since. I hope this group can change that.
My biggest priorities are:
Ensuring that this working group is self-sustaining, as my responsibilities are going to be pulling me away from it over time.
Making sure MFE services in frontend-platform are configurable for Open edX instances.
Getting v1.0 of "experience plugins" working, which are iframe-based extension points for MFEs.
Improving our header/footer situation. Many MFEs have their header/footer hard coded, and the re-usable ones are limited and not well-adopted.
Improving our MFE configuration story - replacing .env files with JS-based configuration.
What are you interested in helping with?
I'm interested in helping with the 'platform' part of our frontend. While I can be a resource for Paragon PRs, UI work, and testing, this isn't my focus and there are others who are better equipped/positioned to lead those efforts. My time is increasingly devoted to overall platform architecture, and while I'd like to personally see my priorities get completed, I realize I may not be able to do so!
I've worked at edX for about three years, and have been on the platform and Open edX teams that whole time. After only about 2-3 months on the job, I was thrown into the deep end and gave the "State of the Open edX Frontend" talk at the 2019 Open edX conference, which forced me to level up my understanding real quick.
I've worked on a number of micro-frontends (profile, account, ecommerce, payment, learning, course-authoring) and our
libraries. Unfortunately I don't have too much experience with our legacy frontends, except what I've picked up here and there.The extensibility of the micro-frontend platform and its suitability for Open edX instances is of great importance to me. If I had to assign a semantic version number to our MFE platform, I think I'd call it about v1.2. We're running it in production, we've added a feature or two, but it hasn't seen much investment since. I hope this group can change that.
My biggest priorities are:
are configurable for Open edX instances.I'm interested in helping with the 'platform' part of our frontend. While I can be a resource for Paragon PRs, UI work, and testing, this isn't my focus and there are others who are better equipped/positioned to lead those efforts. My time is increasingly devoted to overall platform architecture, and while I'd like to personally see my priorities get completed, I realize I may not be able to do so!