Husky released their 5.0 earlier this year. Some of the key differences between the 4.x and 5.x are;
4.x adds the pre-commit directly into the package.json and contains dozens of packages as dependencies
5.x Creates a .husky directory in the root directory of the repository and the husky package has no dependencies
Since this just released, it doesn't appear any of the tools that typically work alongside Husky have caught up. For example, pretty-quick and prettier still have documentation that leverage the 4.x methodology.
Husky released their 5.0 earlier this year. Some of the key differences between the 4.x and 5.x are;
4.x adds the pre-commit directly into the package.json and contains dozens of packages as dependencies
5.x Creates a .husky directory in the root directory of the repository and the husky package has no dependencies
Since this just released, it doesn't appear any of the tools that typically work alongside Husky have caught up. For example, pretty-quick and prettier still have documentation that leverage the 4.x methodology.