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Possible wrong value for oil fuel costs for eGon2035 and eGon100RE Scenario ? #1046

Open NTedjosantoso opened 1 year ago

NTedjosantoso commented 1 year ago

Hi eGon team.

I have a question regarding fuel cost for oil for both "eGon2035" and "eGon100RE" scenario. Both scenarios use 73.8 [EUR/MWh] as value for oil and it should be based on Scenario C of NEP 2035 Version 2021.

(from egon/data/datasets/scenario_parameter/ --> global_settings

if scenario == "eGon2035":
    parameters = {
        "weather_year": 2011,
        "population_year": 2035,
        "fuel_costs": {  # Netzentwicklungsplan Strom 2035, Version 2021, 1. Entwurf, p. 39, table 6
            "oil": 73.8,  # [EUR/MWh]
            "gas": 25.6,  # [EUR/MWh]
            "coal": 20.2,  # [EUR/MWh]
            "lignite": 4.0,  # [EUR/MWh]
            "nuclear": 1.7,  # [EUR/MWh]
            "biomass": 40,  # Dummyvalue, ToDo: Find a suitable source


Based on the NEP 2035 the value for oil should be 76.9 [EUR/MWh]. 73.8 [EUR/MWh] is the value from the 2030 Szenario of the table. Is the value 73.8 intended or is it a possible misread ?
