openego / eGon-data

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Scenario datasets to be published in the WebApp #447

Closed nesnoj closed 9 months ago

nesnoj commented 3 years ago

As shown in the WebApp there're 2 main sections:

  1. Scenarios: static input data generated by the pipeline for both target scenarios eGon2035 and eGon100RE -> for all datasets (except category "Data model") 2 datasets are required, the data shown is controlled by the scenario switch
  2. Results: results from our calculations (subject to #448)

This issue is to collect all datasets for 1. we want to publish. Each dataset in the list below will become one entry (with switch) with a specific data type (polygon, point, line, choropleth map). The list below is a first proposal and needs your input. Please drop your ideas as comment below, I'll update the list regularly.

Beside the layer switches, it will be possible to create plots in the left menu, I added some ideas to the list.


(country, federal states, districts, municipalities) are always shown in the app depending on the zoom level.

Base data








Wind Onshore

Wind Offshore (grid connection point)

PV ground

PV roof


Warning: the potential that can be used across the year is limited by a contraint (later on in eTraGo), the value of the limitation is to be found in scenario.egon_scenario_parameters (gas_parameters: "max_gas_generation_overtheryear")

Other power plants



Electricity (Status Quo)


Flexibility Potential




Data model

Sector coupling

ClaraBuettner commented 1 year ago

For the heat demands, I would show the annual demands. If we want to show the seasonality, we could additional show a plot of the heat demands over the year, or do this for all carriers, e.g. like this: load_timeseries_de We could also add a polygon layer for our district heating grids.

Flexibility options of the electricity sector (DSM, DLR) are currently not on this list. Do we want to keep it like this?

KathiEsterl commented 1 year ago

I would like to see a map with DSM-potential aswell. I suggest to rename the section "Storages" and call it "Flexibility Options", then we could add DSM and maybe also DLR there? To calculate the DSM potential I would choose the approach analog to the one used in Wilkos paper as this one is also used in some other publications.