Open ClaraBuettner opened 6 years ago
Will this be part of the eTraGo RTD documentation and/or release 0.7?
Some settings cause problems due to numerical issues, so maybe the 'preferred' settings will change. And it's only useful with gurobi. I'm not sure if it should be added there.
Number of threads to apply to parallel algorithms (concurrent or barrier).
default(0): Uses all cores in the machine Reduce if parallel calculations or tight memory.
Algorithm used to solve optimization of lopf.
default (-1, concurrent): chooses between simplex or barrier method due to matrix range 1 (simplex): slower but less sensitive for numerical issues 2 (barrier): fastest method but sensitive for numerical issues
crossover (barrier only)
Determines the crossover strategy used to transform the interior solution produced by barrier into a basic solution.
default(-1): chooses strategy automatically preferred: 0 disables crossover, solves fastest but may need 'NumericFocus' and 'BarHomogenus' to avoid numerical issues
BarConvTol (barrier only)
The barrier solver terminates when the relative difference between the primal and dual objective values is less than the specified tolerance.
default: 1e-8 preferred: 1e-5 little less accurate, but solves faster
Tolerance of all constraints.
default: 1e-6 preferred: 1e-5 less accurate, but reduces number of iterations
Destination and name of gurobi log file.
default: None preferred: 'gurobi_eTraGo.log'
BarHomogeneous (barrier only)
Determines whether to use the homogeneous barrier algorithm.
default: -1 homogeneous barrier algorithm turned off, faster but sensitive for numerical issues preferred: 1 homogeneous barrier algorithm turned on, bit slower but less sensitive for numerical issues, often used when crossover turned off
Controls the degree to which the code attempts to detect and manage numerical issues.
default: 0 automatic choice with a slight preference for speed 1 - 3 shift the focus towards being slower but less sensitive for numerical issues