openego / eTraGo

Optimization of flexibility options for transmission grids based on PyPSA
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Deal with different temporal resolutions/horizons in the different market and grid optimizations #709

Open ulfmueller opened 5 months ago

ulfmueller commented 5 months ago

The UC rolling horizon problem probably needs every hour of the year which right now implies a skip_snapshots=False. But in the pre market simulation we might want to skip snapshots. And what do we do in the grid optimization. Rolling horizon is not really an option due to the investment optimizations we need then again a skip snapshots probably (ideally including the UC constraints for the redispatch generators).

ClaraBuettner commented 4 months ago

Would it already help to apply the temporal clustering/skipping only on the grid optimization part and keep all the market optimizations in the full temporal complexity? I could implement this very easily. It will not solve the problem but could be an easy intermediate solution.

ClaraBuettner commented 4 months ago

Due to commit the temporal aggregation methods are only applied on the grid_model, the market_model always keeps the full temporal complexity. This will not be the final solution as we would like (and probably also need) temporal aggregation within (some of) the market optimization steps. But at least we can run some larger calculations to try out our new method, since we definitely need temporal complexity reduction for the gri_optimization in a suitable spatial resolution.