openelections / openelections-data-mi

Converted official precinct results for Michigan elections
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2024 General Election Precinct Results #69

Open dwillis opened 1 week ago

dwillis commented 1 week ago

Using Tabula, OCR or whatever method you can, parse precinct-level results for the following counties. Original sources are in individual county files in the sources-mi repository.

The goal is to create a single CSV file for each county, with the following headers:

county, precinct, office, district, party, candidate, votes

Here's an example of a finished CSV file. The files should go in the 2024/counties/ folder in this repository and should have the following filename structure:

20241105__mi__general__{county}__precinct.csv, where county is the lower case version of the county name, with punctuation removed.

If the county file also provides a breakdown of votes by method, include that using the following headers, where applicable:

early_voting, election_day, provisional, mail

If there are other possible vote types, include them, using a lowercase version of the vote type with underscores instead of spaces for the column name.

Include the following offices:

If a county provides precinct results for Write-in candidates, they should be grouped in a single row for each precinct and office with a candidate value of Write-ins.

If a county provides Under Votes or Over Votes, those should be recorded in the same way, with a single row per precinct and office with Over Votes and Under Votes as the candidate values.

moonshiner commented 1 week ago

Question - didn't I see you write up good experiences using TextExtract via AWS? Worth looking into ? (I may just to play with it)

dwillis commented 1 week ago

You did!