Clinton County numbers for the no votes on Constitutional Amendment 6 forced to match the certified vote totals. Note from the county indicates that they did not make a correction to the official results that indicated one provisional vote and a correction to the originally reported no votes for Hardin precinct. Total certified: 2899; actual no votes: 2901.
Dunklin County numbers for the yes and no votes on Constitutional Amendment 6 differ between the certified totals and the addition of the precinct counts. The addition of military/federal absentee ballots that were manually added after the reports were printed were incorrectly reported. Thirteen ballots were added. On the absentee totals, 7 were added to the yes votes, 6 to the no votes. When the numbers were manually added to the grand totals, 6 were added to the yes votes and 7 to the no votes. Per contact with the county, the correct totals for Constitutional Amendment 4 are: Yes votes 5309; no votes 4536.
From the MO Secretary of State:
Notes/addendums to Precinct Data reporting info:
Clinton County numbers for the no votes on Constitutional Amendment 6 forced to match the certified vote totals. Note from the county indicates that they did not make a correction to the official results that indicated one provisional vote and a correction to the originally reported no votes for Hardin precinct. Total certified: 2899; actual no votes: 2901.
Dunklin County numbers for the yes and no votes on Constitutional Amendment 6 differ between the certified totals and the addition of the precinct counts. The addition of military/federal absentee ballots that were manually added after the reports were printed were incorrectly reported. Thirteen ballots were added. On the absentee totals, 7 were added to the yes votes, 6 to the no votes. When the numbers were manually added to the grand totals, 6 were added to the yes votes and 7 to the no votes. Per contact with the county, the correct totals for Constitutional Amendment 4 are: Yes votes 5309; no votes 4536.