This is till a work in progress however I'm submitting to make it more evident the work that is being done in case someone else is interested in helping.
Here is a summary of where I'm at. There are 56 total elections. I've successfully parsed 21:
# All ids from available elections.
available_ids = [1658, 1659, 1660,1661,1576,1573,1574,1575,1538,1539,404,405,
# Elections with no files available.
no_results_ids = [446, 674, 685, 689]
# Not working ids. Need to troubleshoot.
not_working_ids = [410,421,419,422,
# Election with PDF files.
pdf_elections = [664]
#1662 has a sheet with no cover sheet unlike others.
need_custom_function = [1662]
# List of ids for elections that have been successfully processed.
working_ids = [1661,1659,1658,1660,1576,1574,1573,404,405,407,408,409,411,413,
working_ids_column_1 = [1575,1539]
This is till a work in progress however I'm submitting to make it more evident the work that is being done in case someone else is interested in helping.
Here is a summary of where I'm at. There are 56 total elections. I've successfully parsed 21: