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Matt 4:5 Old Fashioned Word "the parapet" #194

Closed Tchambrers closed 13 years ago

Tchambrers commented 13 years ago

Consider translating "the parapet" as "the highest point" as the NIV and NET has.

openenglishbible commented 13 years ago

BDAG says (or would say if I could copy and paste Greek):

pteru/gion, ou, to/ (pte÷rux; Aristot. et al.; Aeneas Tact. 1440; ins, LXX; TestSol 22:8) dim. of pte÷rux ‘wing’; it serves to denote the tip or extremity of anything, end, edge to\ pteru/gion touv i˚erouv someth. like the pinnacle or summit of the temple Mt 4:5; Lk 4:9 (also in Hegesippus: Eus., HE 2, 23, 11. Rufinus has for this ‘excelsus locus pinnae templi’.—See Theod. Da 9:27 [reading of a doublet; s. ed. JZiegler ’54 p. 191] and M-JLagrange, RB 39, 1930, 190). JJeremias, ZDPV 59, ’36, 195–208 proposes: ‘the lintel or super-structure of a gate of the temple.’ But for Greeks the word for this that was most easily understood would be uJpe÷rquron (Parmenides [VI/V BC], fgm. 1, 12 [28 B Diels]; Hdt. 1, 179 et al.; also Herodas 2, 65; Artem. 2, 10 p. 97, 26; 4, 42 p. 226, 8.—Jos., Bell. 5, 201 in a description of the Jerus. temple).—DELG s.v. ptero/n. M-M. TW.

REB, NJB have 'parapet' as well, so we're not too much out on a limb here (so to speak :)

It's irrational maybe but I like parapet. Its colourful. I don't think it is old fashioned so much as unusual...

Tchambrers commented 13 years ago

A totally fair point... it may not be so much out of use as just a colorful unusual word...